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Не известно фактологическую Заявления о пин ап казино

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The player from Germany is struggling to complete the KYC. The casino required proof of address, but those provided by the player haven’t been accepted. The issue was successfully resolved, the player received his funds.

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The player from Argentina had reported that their account at CryptoLeo Casino was abruptly closed and their balance nullified. Despite having reached out to customer support, they had received no explanation. The player had demanded a detailed statement and the return of their account balance, which was 6,500 at the time of closure.

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The player from Germany is dissatisfied with the withdrawal process. The player confrimed his winnings were paid out, therefore we marked the complaint as resolved.

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The player from Germany deposited money into the casino, which was deducted from their account but not credited into the casino account. The complaint was resolved as the player's deposit got credited.

Her account was suspended with her money stuck inside. After a series of exchanges between the player, the casino, and the Complaints Team, the casino had clarified that the player's account was verified and she could continue playing and withdraw her winnings. The player confirmed that the issue had been resolved and thanked the team for their assistance. We had then closed this complaint as 'resolved'.

The player from Latvia deposited money to the casino two days ago, but it has yet to be reflected in their game account or returned to their bank account.

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The player from Ireland requested a withdrawal of €50 two weeks ago, but still hasn't received the funds. The player later confirmed that the issue was resolved.

So far so good! After 3 payouts, a bank suddenly asks for a document with a transactions ID. Everyone knows that there is no such thing in Germany!

A player from the United Kingdom is having issues with a delayed withdrawal. An amount of £150 was requested 10 working days ago. Despite the casino's claim of having processed the payment, the player hasn't received the funds yet.

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